DUI Child Endangerment Attorney in Bakersfield
Brehmer Law Corporation Provides Skillful Counsel in Kern County
What is Considered Child Endangerment?
The Child Endangerment Law (Penal Code 273(a)) is applied to those who willfully endanger a child by putting them in a situation precarious to the child’s health or welfare. In California, driving under the influence with a minor under 14 in the vehicle can be considered child endangerment.
In order to be convicted of child endangerment, the prosecution must prove criminal negligence on your part and willing endangerment of a child. Depending on the circumstances, if convicted of child endangerment, a person convicted of child endangerment faces sentencing of up to a year in county jail for a misdemeanor, or up to six years in state prison for a felony.
Contact Brehmer Law Corporation at (661) 430-0868 immediately for a tenacious DUI child endangerment attorney in Bakersfield ready to fight for you.
DUI Sentence Enhancement for a Child in the Vehicle
If you are being charged with child endangerment, you need an experienced Kern County DUI attorney who knows how to fight for your case. Even if the prosecution cannot prove you are guilty of child endangerment, they can still opt to charge you with a DUI sentence enhancement (Vehicle Code 23572), which is an additional punishment on top of the DUI sentence penalty. To do this, they merely need to prove you are guilty of a DUI and that there was a child aged 14 or younger in the car at the time of the offense.
If convicted, your enhanced sentence could be:
- First Offense: 2 days in county jail
- Second Offense: 10 days in county jail
- Third Offense: 30 days in county jail
- Fourth or more: 90 days in county jail
Why Choose Brehmer Law Corporation?
You need an attorney who is experienced in DUI child endangerment processes and ramifications to craft an aggressive defense against the prosecution’s charges and make informed decisions in your best interest, based on the specific details of your case. Our Bakersfield DUI child endangerment attorney has the knowledge and skill to fight for your rights. Mr. Brehmer’s background in forensic science allows him to challenge faulty BAC diagnostics, while his extensive legal experience allows him to easily navigate the prosecution’s charges. Brehmer Law Corporation strives to win acquittals and reduced sentences for our clients.
We offer free case consultations. Call (661) 430-0868 now to get started on your defense.